Monday, January 27, 2020

A Look At The Samaritan Woman Religion Essay

A Look At The Samaritan Woman Religion Essay If I was asked to suggest one word which sums up Johns gospel, it would be the word encounter. The word became flesh and dwelt among us encounter. Look, the Lamb of God encounter. John goes on to record many of the people whom Jesus met in the course of His ministry. He constantly drew these people to Himself. He was the answer to the great spiritual needs of their life. Regardless of who they were, their basic need was to meet with Him, for an encounter with Jesus. In Ch 3 there is the encounter between Nicodemus, the teacher of Israel, and Jesus, the redeemer of the world. And then in stark contrast here in Ch4, the women of Samaria encounters Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus meeting with this woman was at noon. Jesus was utterly weary, physically exhausted. He sat on the wall around Jacobs well. Note in passing that, though Christ is the eternal Son of God, He was also truly human, the Word become flesh. He knew weariness, thirst, sadness, suffering and ultimately death. Two whole and perfect natures in one person. It is a comfort to us to know our Saviour is aware of our earthly lot. He is able to understand our needs as well as having the supply of grace to help us in our time of need. It is the grace of Jesus which is the first thing the woman experiences 1. The Grace of Jesus is displayed We learn a great deal about Jesus from His dealings with this woman. The amazing fact is that He took the first step the initiative was His. He made a simple request give me a drink. It appears like a simple gesture, but it explodes the age old myth that God is distant and remote. In actual fact God is close and immediate, and this is so because He comes. He takes the initiative. What is even more remarkable in this first century culture was the fact that He spoke to a woman, and to compound it all, a Samaritan woman at that. Strict social and religious rule held sway among Jewish rabbis forbidding them ever to speak to a woman in the street not even his own mother would be acknowledged some of the Pharisees had utter contempt for women, they would daily thank God that He had not made them a woman. And in particular, Samaritan women the bitter quarrel had gone on for 400 years, the Jews of pure blood despised the half-breed Samaritans who were heretics. Orthodox Jews travelling from Judea north to Galilee where Jesus had grown up went a roundabout way to avoid going the direct route through Samaria, even though it doubled their journey from three to six days. Even if a shadow of a Samaritan fell on an orthodox Jew, he was considered unclean. If a Jew did take the short cut through Samaria on his way to Jerusalem, the Samaritans would not sell him necessities of bread and water. There was mutual loathing and distrust. But theres more. Not only was she a woman, not only was she a Samaritan woman, but also she was sexually immoral and promiscuous. She had had five husbands, and the man she was living with now was not even one of them. A bidey in. No wonder she was at the well at noon instead of the usual evening hour for drawing water. She wanted to avoid knowing looks and sharp tongues of other women who would despise her. Yet despite all that, Jesus shows perfect courtesy and grace in asking her a favour. He knew all about her. If no one else in the world cared for her, He did, and He longed for her to know the peace and life He alone could give her. And to bring things right up to date, the reality is that He has the same sympathy for us in our sins and weaknesses. He longs to offer us His love and power. He offers her water of a very different kind from that which hes just asked her for living water that would satisfy her spiritually. Water elsewhere in Johns Gospel is a symbol of new life through the Holy Spirit into the heart through faith in Christ (e.g. John 7:37-39). The water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life (John 4:14). This water which Jesus gives is so completely satisfying that whoever drinks of it will never be thirsty again. These are words of Jesus that speak very directly to our deepest needs. How many of us, once the masks and disguises we wear have been taken off, can testify to the deep unsatisfied longing within our souls? How often when people talk about the change that Jesus has made in their lives do they speak of emptiness and dissatisfaction that was there before? How they tried everything to meet that need, but all in vain till they came to Christ. Augustine said, Thou hast made us for Thyself and our hearts are restless till they find their rest in Thee. There was an old song which summed up the difference that Jesus makes Now none but Christ can satisfy. There is none other name for me. Theres love and life and lasting joy, Lord Jesus, found in Thee This is what Jesus is trying to get across to her. I can supply you spiritual needs, you spiritual thirst and longing by offering you water which will spring up within you the life that Jesus gives is no tame or stagnant thing. It is abundant life, life in all its fullness, that sparkles, thrills and satisfies. This is the wonder of knowing Christ and the great blessings imparted by Him. If anyone is thirsty let him come to me and drink (John 7:37), says Jesus on another occasion. In Jesus they will be well supplied by an ever-flowing stream, which never runs dry. Yachting!! Unlike the world, Christ offers a real and lasting satisfaction. If we drink at the worlds fountains, we are satisfied for an hour. If we drink at Christs fountain, we have perpetual satisfaction. It is not dependent on adversity or prosperity, fear or joy. This well keeps springing up, and it is all a free gift. 2. The need for Jesus is awakened But we notice from Johns account that at first the woman misunderstood Jesus. She took Him literally, and replied that he did not have a bucket. The well was in fact 100 feet deep. Nicodemus had made the same mistake in taking Jesus literally (How can a man enter his mothers womb for a second time and be born again?). In both cases, Jesus was speaking of spiritual things. But it begins to awaken a sense of need in the woman. To show her how much she needed this new spiritual life He was offering He puts His finger on the weakness, failures and sin in her life things that deep down she was aware of, but probably had never openly admitted to anyone before. She admitted to Him her current living arrangements. He knew her private life perfectly. He knew she had broken the seventh commandment. And now she knew it too. He didnt accuse, nor did he wag his finger or confront her with her sin. He simply touches her conscience, and encourages her to name her own sin. And then she reacts. Shes suddenly faced with herself as she is, as God sees her, and she wants to change, she longs for this new life, a better life the full life, the clean life. Shes had enough of the wagging tongues and turned backs. She longs to belong, to be part of her community once again. We never really see ourselves until we are in Jesus presence. The Christian experience begins with a sense of sin. We are awakened to ourselves, our need of God, of forgiveness and cleansing and life. Not till we see the beauty of Christ do we understand the ugliness of our lives. But now shes feeling uncomfortable. She tries to change the subject, but what a mistake. She enters into theological discussion with the Son of God. If Nicodemus, the teacher of Israel was out of his depth, what hope had she? But it was just a diversion. She entered an argument about the right place of worship. She hoped to divert from Jesus pointing out of her sin by showing Him she did have enough of religion to get by. Its almost as though shes saying, well, I go to church, and at least I go to the right one we Samaritans worship in the right place. But Jesus reply pulls her back to His point. It does not matter where you worship, as long as you worship in spirit and in truth. Right back to the basic issues, its not about the forms of religious observance, its not about which church you go to or not, its the state of your heart that matters. Religion is not about outward forms and ceremonies. Jesus looks at the heart, the state of the inner life. Yet still today people love an argument how to interpret the creation stories in Genesis 1, where did Cains wife come from, (literalism!,) what hymn book should we use, how should the church be governed, what form of baptism, should we use set prayers or free prayerà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. These are not the real issues. The question in the forefront ought to be what is the state of my heart? Am I right with God? Do I have new life in Christ Jesus? Ultimately have you accepted the gift that Jesus offers new and abundant life? 3. The gift of Jesus is received It gradually dawns on the woman that she was in the presence of no ordinary person. He knew her private life and secrets. He knew all about God and His worship. And then He reveals He is the promised Saviour and Messiah that the Samaritans, like the Jews, were waiting for. He presents Himself directly as the answer to the womans problem. He is the One sent by God to be the Saviour of the world, of Jew, Samaritan and Gentile alike. How ready Christ is to reveal Himself to the soul of sinners. I am the one you are looking for. Paul Swinson What is it you are looking for? The real question is, Who are you looking for? What is the state of your inner life tonight? Behind the faà §ade, is there loneliness, emptiness, inadequacy, and hunger? Are you in search of satisfaction? Have you tried everything but still feel the same? Jesus reaches out in his grace to you tonight. He wants to awaken that need of Him in you tonight, and offers you the gift of life, which will bubble up within you like living water. Yes He must put His finger on the sin that has to be forsaken and forgiven. Sin has to be brought to the surface. But his desire is not to condemn you, he doesnt want to reproach you, He simply longs to save you, and satisfy the deepest longing of your heart. Hear His voice and respond to His invitation If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Philippine Writers Before the Coming of Spaniards

1. Communication =the imparting or exchanging of information by speaking, writing, or using some other medium television is an effective means of communication =means of sending or receiving information, such as telephone lines or computers:satellite communications =means of travelling or of transporting goods, such as roads or railways:a city providing excellent road and rail communications 2. Listening a. There are three modes of listening: competitive, passive and active. Active listening is considered the most effective because the listener is not only listening with interest, but actively acknowledging listening by brief responses.Most individuals are not as skilled at listening as they think. Depending on the study, listeners likely remember 25 to 50 percent of what they hear, according to Mindtools. Giving the speaker your undivided attention and not focusing on what you are going to say in response while he is talking is a good way to ensure you hear more of what is being sai d. Speaking b. Speaking can be an intimidating experience, even in your native tongue, let alone when learning a new language. The best way to learn how to speak, though, is by practicing, so put your inhibitions aside and strike up a conversation whenever you are given an opportunity to do so.When speaking, be aware of your pace, try not to mumble and use expression, both so that you don't sound monotonous and to keep your listener interested. Reading c. Children learn to read by first learning their ABCs and sounding out the letters to discover what sound they make. The phonetic approach to reading—using sound units to figure out the words—is arguably the best approach because theoretically, if you know the sounds, you can read any word, regardless of the difficulty level. This is also the case when learning a new language.Reading has many benefits, including improving memory (it's exercise for the brain), increasing vocabulary and exposing you to new ideas. Writing d. Writing is perhaps the most complex of the communication skills and takes the most time to master. As with any other skill, it is improved through practice and a willingness to improve on past attempts. Moving beyond the basics, there are many types of writing and many levels. Writing can be a basic means of conveying information—such as in newspapers—or it can be a tool to create elaborate new worlds, much like those found in fiction novels such as The Lord of the Rings trilogy. . Poor Encoding – This occurs when the message source fails to create the right sensory stimuli to meet the objectives of the message. For instance, in person-to-person communication, verbally phrasing words poorly so the intended communication is not what is actually meant, is the result of poor encoding. Poor encoding is also seen in advertisements that are difficult for the intended audience to understand, such as words or symbols that lack meaning or, worse, have totally differen t meaning within a certain cultural groups.This often occurs when marketers use the same advertising message across many different countries. †¢Poor Decoding – This refers to a message receiver’s error in processing the message so that the meaning given to the received message is not what the source intended. This differs from poor encoding when it is clear, through comparative analysis with other receivers, that a particular receiver perceived a message differently from others and from what the message source intended. Clearly, as we noted above, if the receiver’s frame of reference is different (e. . , meaning of words are different) then decoding problems can occur. †¢Medium Failure – Sometimes communication channels break down and end up sending out weak or faltering signals. Other times the wrong medium is used to communicate the message. For instance, trying to educate doctors about a new treatment for heart disease using television commer cials that quickly flash highly detailed information is not going to be as effective as presenting this information in a print ad where doctors can take their time evaluating the information. Communication Noise – Noise in communication occurs when an outside force in someway affects delivery of the message. The most obvious example is when loud sounds block the receiver’s ability to hear a message. Nearly any distraction to the sender or the receiver can lead to communication noise. In advertising, many customers are overwhelmed (i. e. , distracted) by the large number of advertisements they encountered each day. Such advertising clutter (i. e. , noise) makes it difficult for advertisers to get their message through to desired customers.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

The Use of Metaphors

SanTianna Simmons ENG 1102 25 April 2013 A metaphor is where you show how two unrelated things are similar. For example by saying â€Å"Love is a roller-coaster. † A key aspect of a metaphor is use a specific transference of a word into another context. The human mind creates comparisons between different things. The best writers use metaphors. Like poetry, a metaphor will express a thousand different meanings all at once, allowing the writer to convey much more content than they could do otherwise.More than playing simple word games, the use of metaphors in your writing can elevate your stories to a place next to the greatest authors in the world. There are many kinds of metaphors: Allegory, catechesis, parables, extended metaphors, etc. An extended metaphor establishes a subject and then extends it further, as in this quote from Shakespeare â€Å"All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances, And one man in his time plays many parts, His acts being seven ages. Brian Doyle, Author of â€Å"Joyas Valdoras†, uses the hummingbird metaphor to support his story. The story starts off by grabbing the reader’s attention with a fact. The fact is very interesting. Unless you are someone that studies animals, you would have no idea that a hummingbird’s heart is the size of a pencil, or that it beats ten times per second. After I read the first sentence, I was instantly interested to see what more the author had to say. He got the name, Joyas Valdoras, from a reference by early Spanish settlers. It means flying jewels.They called these creatures flying jewels because they had never seen anything like them before. They would fly around quickly all day, reproducing and collecting nectar. Doyle then goes on to add more facts about hummingbirds and their incredible hearts. Hummingbirds can fly up to 500 miles without stopping to rest, however they can get burned out. Whenever humming b irds get burned out, it can become fatal. Although Doyle’s allusion to hummingbirds was interesting, I don’t think he meant for his story to simply be a story about humming birds.He also goes on to talk about the blue whale, an animal having the largest heart in the world. He gives us interesting facts about that animal also, but this still does not justify why he was even writing the story, for if he had wanted his readers to be informed only about animals, he’d have put these facts in a science book instead. I think Doyle was relating the animal’s hearts with that of human hearts. He said sometimes humming birds get burned out without even knowing what they’re doing is dangerous. Humans also do the same thing.Today’s world is very fast paced. Sometimes we don’t have time to rest or do anything of that nature. We do it, without knowing how unhealthy to the body and spirit that is. He also alludes that the heart is a very strong thing . Not just our physical heart, but our emotional and spiritual heart as well. So much can happen to someone’s heart. It can go through the most joy, excitement, hurt and pain and still beat at the end of the day. I think the way Doyle transitions form talking about hummingbirds and whales to something so emotional was very effective.He makes it easy for us to relate to his story because he keeps us so involved. I felt as if he was ready the story to me instead of the other way around. Sian-Pierre Regis stated â€Å"As should be obvious by now, Doyle is doing far more than describing the hearts of various animals. In explaining about the hearts of animals, he has subtly been drawing us into this reality: â€Å"We all churn inside. † In this creation there is unimaginable beauty (â€Å"flying jewels†) and there is excruciating pain (â€Å"a brilliant music stilled†).And so finally, we are led to his masterful ending and the real point of this whole piece. If you’ve read this far, I encourage you to take a minute and quiet your heart. Let yourself feel these words. It may hurt, but it will almost certainly heal as well. In giving an overview of the hearts of creatures, Doyle ends with this: â€Å"So much held in a heart in lifetime. So much held in a heart in day, and hour, a moment. We are utterly open with no one, in the end–not mother and father, not wife or husband, not lover, not child, not friend.We open windows to each but we live alone in the house of the heart. Perhaps we must. Perhaps we could not bear to be so naked, for fear of a constantly harrowed heart. When young we think there will come one person who will savor and sustain us always; when we are older we know this is the dream of a child, that all hearts finally are bruised and scarred, scored and torn, repaired by time and will, patched by force of character, yet fragile and rickety forevermore, no matter how ferocious the defense and how many bricks you bring to the wall.You can brick up your heart as stout and tight and hard and cold and impregnable as you possibly can and down it comes in an instant, felled by a woman’s second glance, a child’s apple breath, the shatter of glass in the road, the words I have something to tell you, a cat with a broken spine dragging itself into the forest to die, the brush of your mother’s papery ancient hand in the thicket of your hair, the memory of your father’s voice early in the morning echoing from the kitchen where he is making pancakes for his children. †Ã¢â‚¬  The article â€Å"A Metaphorical Analysis of Martin Luther King Jr. s ‘I Have a Dream Speech,’† by Joe Ciesinski, to me is an aide to help understand the metaphors Dr. Martin Luther King used within his famous speech ‘I have a Dream. ’ Ciesinski cited other’s opinions about the speech which also was another great source of helping understand the speech. W ithin the article, the question â€Å"What does ‘I Have a Dream’ mean to me† was asked. To me, when someone asks me what does ‘I Have a Dream’ mean to me, I would say that it makes me feel as if the color of my skin or my sex should never be a factor of why I can’t do anything that I want to do. Anybody should be capable of saying the same.Ciesinski believes that ‘I Have a Dream’ would not only speak about problems in America, but that Dr. Martin Luther King Jr would call upon all citizens of the United States to enact change and correct the injustices that would occur throughout our nation. â€Å"Martin Luther King Jr. contrasts light and dark metaphors when he states, â€Å"this momentous decree came as a great beacon light of hope to millions of Negro slaves, who had been seared in the flames of withering injustice. It came as a joyous daybreak to end the long night of their captivity. †Ã¢â‚¬  (Ciesinski) The previous quote to me sums up the entire ‘I Have a Dream’ speech.It focuses on the struggles of colored people and how the nation needs to take the time out to notice that these hate crimes need to come to an end. Overall, I think Ciesinski’s metaphorical analysis is a great help to distinguish the true meaning and break down of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. ’s speech. I also believe that he used good sources to help apprehend the famous speech. â€Å"It is a stark metaphor, an accusation articulated in bluntly economic terms. The Declaration of Independence implied, and later the Emancipation Proclamation promised, meaningful freedom to African Americans. But the promise was never fulfilled. Instead of honoring this sacred obligation, America has given the Negro people a bad check, a check which has come back marked ‘insufficient funds,† King said. This part of the speech has been mostly forgotten, swamped in collective memory by the soaring rhetoric of K ing’s peroration. When initial renderings for the new Martin Luther King Jr. National Memorial were first unveiled, they included a prominent place for the promissory-note metaphor, but as the project went forward the quotation was deemed â€Å"too confrontational† and dropped from the final design. What is best remembered from the Dream speech is, in fact, not original to it.The thrilling incantation, the cries of â€Å"let freedom ring,† the litany of place names (the snowcapped Rockies, the molehills of Mississippi), the lines borrowed from the biblical books of Amos and Isaiah, the quotations from spirituals and patriotic songs — none of this material was original to the speech King gave on the Mall. Most of it was recycled, an impromptu decision by King to reuse some of the best applause lines he had tested in Georgia, North Carolina, Alabama and, only weeks earlier, in Detroit. † Stated by Philip Kennicott. Short talks by Anne Carson was an ar ticle full of miniature lectures with a different meaning for each one.Some of the short articles were confusing but the others caught my attention. An article in Short Talks that was easily understood was ON WALKING BACKWARDS. ON WALKING BACKWARDS was about how as a child Carson states â€Å"My mother would forbid us to walk backwards. That is how the dead walk, she would say. † Carson goes on to say that she had no understanding where that specific superstition came from. Later to break the quote down, the dead doesn’t walk backwards but they do walk behind us with no lungs to breath or cannot call but would love for us to turn around.Superstitions are to be used and known all across the world. According to Keisha Stephen-Gittens from Outlish Magazine quotes â€Å"Since I was a child, I used to hear my grandmother telling my mother that if she came home after midnight, she better had walk in the house backwards so that spirits don’t follow her inside. Thatâ⠂¬â„¢s funny, because many of us feters would have some ‘back walking’ to do. So, I was surprised to find that almost 60% of the persons I randomly surveyed still do this today. I followed this superstition religiously until I moved out on my own, and then, ironically, I would just ook left, right and around before I entered my apartment. You’d think I would be really afraid – and in a way yes, but I was looking for bandits, not spirits. However, the way things goin’ these days, is bess we look for both yes! We’ve also been told to close doors facing the outside so that spirits don’t follow you inside. There are other superstitions about spirits and death and our older folks would tell these with a passion and intensity that would send you to bed quivering, wanting a pillow to hug up and sleeping with one eye open.If you’re alone in the house and you hear someone call your name, would you answer? I won’t. The ole folks us ed to say do not answer, ’cause it could be a spirit calling. I think this is a given. I’ve watched too many horror movies to know what the outcome of THAT could be. † Jon Eben Field states â€Å"The female body is a powerful signifier in these poems. † Short Talks invokes the last thirty years of Camille Claudel's life in an asylum (Claudel was a French sculptor who worked from 1884 to 1898 as an assistant to Auguste Rodin).After noting that Claudel broke all the sculpting stone given to her, Carson writes, â€Å"Night was when her hands grew, huger and huger until in the photograph they are like two parts of someone else loaded onto her knees. † Claudel's hands are both her own and not her own; they have grown through disuse and misuse. But the absence is discovered in the formless broken stones that are buried with these hands, now so gargantuan. In â€Å"Short Talk On Rectification,† Carson depicts the infamous relationship between Franz Kafka and Felice Bauer: â€Å"Kafka liked to have his watch an hour and a half fast. Felice kept setting it right.Nonetheless for five years they almost married. † Ultimately, it is the body of Felice that overwhelms Kafka, for as Carson writes, â€Å"When advised not to speak by the doctors in the sanatorium, he left glass sentences all over the floor. Felice, says one of them, had too much nakedness left in her. † This signals the second most pervasive theme of these poems, the devastating plenitude of too much. † Eula Biss’ The Pain Scale is about how no matter how much something is painful, no pain lasts forever. Throughout the article Biss gives examples of pain as she goes from 0 to 10 on a pain scale.She gives examples like if you are at a zero, you feel no pain therefore you could be fine. If you are at a 1, you could take some aspirin and be fine the next day. If you are at an 8 you might need some examining. If you are at a nine then, you are suf fering and it gets even worse at a level ten which is unbearable. The Pain Scale, Eula Biss claims that no pain lasts forever. Biss goes on to say that when you experience the pain regardless of how bad the pain is, once the pain goes away; you can’t feel the pain anymore. I got a feeling that the author is indifferent to pain and does not know how to feel or describe it.I felt that the author’s mind is being guided by what her father use to tell her. She does not know how to describe what she is feeling or think for herself. The author feels as if excruciating pain does not exist. She sees zero as a number that does not do the same thing as the other numbers and she uses biblical illusions concerning Jesus.. The author goes back and forth from her pain theory and analysis, to her current pain situation. She is obviously feeling some pain but she thinks the face chart does not help her know what level she is that. She lies to the doctor to not seem foolish but really s he does have great pain.The author thinks that if she admits to her great physical pain, she will seem pathetic and exaggerated. The author has apparent physical pain but also mental trauma from her father the physician. Her psychological pain I think is greater than her physical one in a couple of ways. I agree with Biss on this issue. Overall, I believe that no pain lasts forever. If a person were to ask another how something felt, they could never sit there and visualize the full effect of that pain right then and there unless you go through the same pain again at the time being.Our Secret by Susan Griffin is a hybrid of memoir, history, and journalism, and is built with these discrete strands: the Holocaust; women affected by World War II directly or indirectly in their treatment by husbands and fathers; the harsh, repressive boyhood of Heinrich Himmler, who grew up to command Nazi rocketry and became the key architect of Jewish genocide; the testimony of a man scarred by war; a nd Griffin’s own desperately unhappy family life and harsh, repressed girlhood.In between these chunks are short italic passages of just a few sentences on cell biology—for instance, how the shell around the nucleus of the cell allows only some substances to pass through—and on the development of guided missiles in Germany and, later, by many of the same scientists, in the United States, where nuclear warheads were added and the ICBM created. Researching her book in Paris, Griffin meets a woman, Helene, who survived one of Himmler’s death camps.She’d been turned in by another Jew and tracked down using a net of information—a system tracing back to Himmler’s boyhood diaries—collected on cards and sent to the Gestapo for duplication and filing, the work of countless men and women. In the article â€Å"Translating Translation: Finding the Beginning,† Alberto Alvaro Rios claims that the act is the translation by presenting t ranslation as a metaphor and how cultures are different. Rios goes on to say that how something is said, the language can be figured.In Rios’ article, he had multiple examples of how cultures are different. Some of the examples that he expressed where how a man was put in jail, forgotten about and never said anything, how his house painting went wrong when he was young, and how Rios had a misinterpretation about fighting. I agree with Rios on this issue when he stated that learning languages can be similar to looking through a set of binoculars. Overall, I believe that it is true that the simplest word can have many definitions and interpretations.For example: when Rios moved into his new home when he was younger. His mother wanted the wall to be yellow but the Mexican thought she wanted it to be lime green due to the fact that said â€Å"limon. † Another example was when the boy asked how many fights has he had. The boy meant physical fighting but Rios meant the fight he has had learning a new language. I believe that the metaphors were very effective because they helped understand the main key points Rios was trying to make.Alberto Rios states â€Å"Linguists, by using electrodes on the vocal cords, have been able to demonstrate that English has tenser vowels than, for example, Spanish. The body itself speaks a language differently, so that moving from one language to another is more than translating words. It's getting the body ready as well. It's getting the heart ready along with the mind. I've been intrigued by this information. It addresses the physicality of language in a way that perhaps surprises us.In this sense, we forget that words aren't simply what they mean – they are also physical acts. I often talk about the duality of language using the metaphor of binoculars, how by using two lenses one might see something better, closer, with more detail. The apparatus, the binoculars, are of course physically clumsy – as is th e learning of two languages, and all the signage and so on that this entails – they're clumsy, but once put to the eyes a new world in that moment opens up to us.And it's not a new world at all – it's the same world, but simply better seen, and therefore better understood. † Overall, metaphors will elevate your writing, taking something plain and transforming it into something beautiful. Poetry is full of metaphors. If you need to, use one of your rewriting cycles just to add metaphors to your story. Imagine how greater your story will be with the use of metaphors. Metaphors will free up your imagination, which will take your story in directions you may not have planned on. Enjoy the surprises that metaphors will bring to you!

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Metaphysics And The Philosophical Branch Of Reality

In the field of philosophy there are many branches which have their own individual philosophy of their own. But, within those branches there are smaller branches. The branches that I am referring to are ; Epistemology, Metaphysics, Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of Meaning, the problem of free will, and social and political philosophy. From all these topics, Metaphysics is the most interesting. Metaphysics is the study of reality. Metaphysic focuses on the question, what explains the source of reality? In the philosophical branch of Metaphysics come smaller branches. Four of these smaller branches are; Dualism, Materialism also known as Physicalism, and Pantheism. Materialism is, â€Å"the view that matter is the ultimate constituent of reality† (Velasquez 148). In other words Materialism says that only material things are real. Nothing else exists but matter; there is no spiritual aspect in life. The only thing that matters are things we can see and feel. Charvaka philosophers that believed in Materialism argued that, â€Å"Because all we know is what we can perceive with our senses, and because whatever we perceive with our senses is physical and material, it follows that all we can know is the material of physical world around us† (Velasquez 149). They say that if we cannot see it or we do not know that it exists then it must be wrong. If we cannot physically use our senses to acknowledge it then things like souls, gods, or other spiritual â€Å"realities â€Å"can’t be real.Show MoreRelatedPhilosophy : The Philosophical Study Of Human Values, Epistemology, And Metaphysics1069 Words   |  5 PagesEpistemology, and Metaphysics. These branches each have their own questions and perspectives. We learned about two different types of philosophy, Perennialism and Essentialism, and I like to think of myself as being a mixture of these two. Although these two types of philosophy are clearly different from each other, I will explain how I find myself relating to them both. The three main branches of philosophy are Axiology, Epistemology, and Metaphysics. The first branch, Axiology, is the philosophical studyRead MoreWhy Should Anyone Study Philosophy?1126 Words   |  5 Pages Tameka Jonas Thompson Survey of Philosophical Thoughts Professor James Moore June 5, 2015 Why should anyone study philosophy? What is philosophy in the article by Alistair Sinclair philosophical is the study about knowledge, truth, nature and the meaning of life. People try to know themselves, the world, and relationships with the world and others. The word philosophy comes from the Greek Philos (loving) and Sophos (wise) meaning literally love of wisdom; a person that loves philosophyRead MoreTaking a Look at The Matrix611 Words   |  2 PagesThe Matrix explores each branch of philosophy with great depth, giving the viewers a reason to question the world we live in today. The most intellectually stimulating problem presented by the Matrix trilogy is the question of the nature of reality posed by the premise of the film. This is actually an ancient question, which Plato asked and attempted to answer in his Dialogues, especially in the famous allegory of the cave. Both share the major philosophical issue, metaphysics, with the ongoing questionsRead MoreImportance And Importance Of Philosophy117 9 Words   |  5 PagesSarah Smith Philosophy 102 Dan Synnesvedt 18 September 2017 What is Philosophy? Philosophy is the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence, especially when considered as an academic discipline(Webster.) The value theory or value system is the system that is used in order to determine how one determines the importance of things, ideas and people. Philosophy can be a hard term or subject to fully grasp, while in actuality the word directly translated from Greek is loveRead MoreThe Philosophical Method Of Philosophy1208 Words   |  5 Pagesto its literal translation is the devotion to wisdom. But exactly what kind of wisdom does Philosophy entail? This question is answered by the subject matter of Philosophy (metaphysics, epistemology, value theory). The societal impact of acculturation has presented a problem to philosophical thinking. However, the philosophical method has also allowed for an abstract thinking outside that of which we typically inherit through tradition. In a way everyone uses philosophy on a regular basis since phil osophyRead MoreMetaphysics Is The Study Of Reality Essay1430 Words   |  6 PagesMeta refers to the Meaning of after or beyond. Metaphysics is the study of reality. On the other hand, Kit Fine describes Metaphysics as follows; â€Å"it s the study of the most general features of reality.† Thus, it is the philosophical study of any widespread characteristics of reality. The study of the nature of the existence of a characteristic will let metaphysician answer and bring about theories for it being there. Some questions Metaphysician think of are as follows: Is there an Evil Demon?Read MoreConflicts Between Science and Religion1662 Words   |  7 PagesAguilara). Philosophical Precepts- The ideas of natural selection and the theory of evolution are more, however, than a scientific paradigm versus a religious paradigm. Essentially, one of the problems that many have with Darwins theory is that if evolution is true, they believe nothing is determinate, all coherence and structure vanish, and the world appears no longer understandable. This, when combined with the issue of faith and the belief in an omnipotent creator, forms the philosophical conundrumRead MoreMy Own Beliefs About Teaching And Learning Essay1679 Words   |  7 Pagesthe branches of philosophy (metaphysics, epistemology, and/or axiology) are related to the worldview philosophies, philosophies of education, and learning theories (Refer to continuum chart in Part B). The branches of philosophy; which are metaphysics, epistemology, and axiology, are all related to how the world views various philosophies, including those of education, and learning theories. Metaphysics is the branch of philosophy that addresses questions of reality. An example of a questionRead MoreGreek Philosophy And The Greek Creation1593 Words   |  7 Pagesreason and inquiry. The Greeks believed in the rational reason that the world is like it is. What is the world made of? What is the ultimate substance of reality? This is why they were classified as â€Å"thinkers†. Greek philosophers were great thinkers who were determined to seek out the validity behind a certain subject. The Ancient Greek philosophical tradition broke away from a mythological approach that used Greek heroes to explain the world, and it initiated an approach based on logic and evidenceRead MoreWhat Is Philosophy And Why Should Anyone Study It?987 Words   |  4 Pagesall doomed without philoso phy! Why you may ask. Well the reason why is because philosophy is all around us, but many people fail to notice it. According to the Oxford Dictionaries philosophy is, â€Å"The study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence, especially when considered as an academic discipline† (Philosophy). So, in other terms, philosophy is the way we think about various topics. Philosophy is full of thinking and questioning everything around us, so when we stop thinking